Minggu, 10 Agustus 2014

My Journey to Yakult Factory

Hello readers, Welcome to my blog! :)
My name is Selvia and here, I would like to share my experience after visiting Yakult factory in Sukabumi.
Please enjoy reading my blog! Thank you J

Let's watch this following video first, shall we? :D

1.      Brief Introduction

L.casei Shirota Strain was first found by a microbiology expertise in Japan; Dr Minoru Shirota. He then developed this bacteria and invented Yakult drink as a healthy drink for humans’ digestion progress.

Dr. Minoru Shirota

Left: Dr. Minoru Shirota
Right: L.casei Shirota Strain


PT Yakult Indonesia Persada was established on February 2nd 1990 and started its production on January 1991. This is the second fabric in Indonesia and it was once located in Pasar Rebo, East Jakarta before it was being moved to Sukabumi in 1997. The reason why it moved was because the area there was too small, so it was hard to expand the factory there. The purpose of creating Yakult was for the society to be aware of health and to know that Yakult has another benefit than just as a refreshing drink which is to smooth our digestion progress since it uses L.casei Shirota strain as the type of bacteria in creating Yakult.

PT. Yakult Indonesia Persada

2.      My Expectation and The Truth

On Thursday, August 7th 2014, my university, INTI College Indonesia, was having a study trip to PT Yakult Indonesia Persada that is located in Sukabumi. It took us almost 4 hours (including the rest area stop) to get there. It was a bit tiring but also such a pleasure to go there because the place was beyond my expectation. Talking about Yakult means we are discussing about fermented milk. Speaking of milk means we are talking about cattle. That’s what came to my imagination when my university was announcing that we were going to visit PT Yakult Indonesia Persada. I was expecting that the factory will only consist of its own cattle with some cows taken care there in order for them to produce milk as the main ingredient as well as some machines that are used to process the milk to become fermented and make it ready to be sold to customers as Yakult. I thought that the place would have just standard size and environment as what many factories commonly look like. However, it turned out that PT Yakult Indonesia Persada was a quite huge factory with a friendly environment. The white color of the factory makes it looks clean and the flowing water that kind of looks like a pool makes it looks sterile and fresh as the water was clear as crystal. Surprisingly, that clear water was the waste from producing Yakult. That was quite a shocking fact to be known there.


Reality (The Truth)

3.      Dear Diary

Now, I would like to share my experience after visiting Yakult factory special to my dearest readers. Hopefully what I write here can give you at least an overall imagination of what PT Yakult Indonesia Persada looks like and add up some knowledge that you can get by visiting the factory. It is going to be even better if what I share makes you want to visit Yakult factory by yourself and I really recommend you to visit there. There is going to be a lot of fun! J

4.      First Knowledge

Just as soon as I get to PT Yakult Indonesia Persada, Sukabumi, I can see a refreshing environment there. As I have told you before that there is a little pool that contains of flowing water, added up with the weather in Sukabumi that was really fresh and cool that day, the mood was just right. Then my friends and I got into the lobby of the factory. First knowledge that I got as soon as I came in was that it turned out Yakult that is sold in Indonesia was not the only product that Yakult factory produced, mostly in Japan. I knew it when I saw a glass storefront filled up with Yakult’s products dummies at the corner of the lobby. You can see those variants in the picture below.

The Pool

Yakult's Variants

5.      The Fun Has Just Started

Then, all of INTI students and lectures were all being gathered in some kind of a quite large meeting room where the hosts from Yakult factory will do their presentation and other activities there. As we were queuing to enter the room, a flyer was given to each of us. This flyer consists of the overall information about PT Yakult Indonesia Persada as well as the product that it sells. Right in front of the entrance door, we were served with a bottle of Yakult (the one that is sold in Indonesia), then we took a seat provided there one by one while enjoying the freshness of the Yakult. Then, the activity started. The host from Yakult factory began to do the opening statements. Firstly he welcomed us and started the activities by explaining the tagline of Yakult which is “Cintai Ususmu, Yakult Setiap Hari”. He also explained why PT Yakult Indonesia Persada uses that sentence as its tagline. He said that intestine is a part of organs in our body that has a function to absorb the nutrition from the food that we eat. If there is any problem with our intestine, let’s say there is any damage on our intestine, then it might not be able to absorb any nutrition from the food that we eat again and that will affect our digestion progress as well as our immunity system in preventing any diseases to occur in our body. That’s why as Yakult is a healthy drink, especially for our digestion progress; therefore Yakult uses this statement as its tagline. Afterwards, the host started to begin the presentation with the slides provided there. This presentation lasted for about 30 minutes. In the presentation, firstly, the host explained the background of PT Yakult Indonesia Persada, when it was established, why the factory was moved from East Jakarta to Sukabumi, and what the purpose of creating Yakult was. Then, he continued explaining about who was the inventor of Yakult, how he took a deep research on L.casei Shirota strain bacteria. Next, the host also discussed about the safeness of consuming Yakult that it does not contain any preservative chemical (it will expire after 40 days it is produced) and coloring chemical (the color of Yakult is white just like normal milk), that’s why there is no side effect for long term consumption of Yakult. The way to keep Yakult was also being explained at that time that it should be kept in the freezer, because the bacteria will begin to work their benefits to produce lactic acid when they are connected with warm or hot degree which has to be the degree in our body, otherwise if you put the Yakult in a normal degree, then the bacteria might have been worked out in the bottle. Afterwards, he also explained about the distribution of Yakult in Indonesia, how it tries to connect with customers in East of Indonesia that it has to wait for its factory in Mojokerto to run so that it can cover those customers in East of Indonesia. 

Flyer Front Page

Flyer Back Page

Welcoming Slide

6.      Let’s Watch A Film, Shall We?

After hearing the presentation conducted by the host from PT Yakult Indonesia Persada, then we were served by a short film about many things about Yakult, from the first time it was invented, who was the inventor, how the bacteria works on human body, the newest invention that shows L.casei bacteria can be used to kill cancer cells with the estimation of 65% success, the production process as well as the distribution process (who the Yakult Ladies are). There were so many information that my friends and I could get from this short film. What an interesting film it was.

Part of the short film: Yakult Indonesia TV Commercial 2014

Additional Advertisement: Yakult Malaysia TV Commercial "Hanya Kamu" 2014

7.      The Ingredients of Yakult

Next, the explanation was continued by another host from the factory. This time, the host was telling us about the ingredients for making Yakult which are said to be natural. The ingredients are skim milk, glucose, mineral water, sucrose, and of course 6.5 billion of L.casei bacteria for each bottle of Yakult. Then, the materials to make the packaging of Yakult are plastic seeds and aluminum foils. From this clarification, now I know why there are no cattle in the fabric just like what I expected it to be. The reason is that the milk that is used to produce Yakult is a skim milk that is imported from Australia.

Skim Milk

8.      Live Yakult’s Manufacturing Process

Following the activities that have been done in the meeting room, we were then given a chance and being directed to see the manufacturing processes of producing Yakult; how it was made from the very beginning until how it was packaged and distributed to customers. This is very fun since we got to see the manufacturing process lively not just from videos or any other media. Then, after seeing the whole processes, we got back to the meeting room and being served by some snacks and two bottles of Yakult. Yummy J

Yummy :)

9.      Question and Answer Session

As the last session of that day’s activities, we got the chances to ask questions to the host about Yakult. Then the host wrote down all the questions and answered them one by one. I got much information from this session. Let me share some of them.

9.1              Improvisation of Yakult’s Manufacturing Process (My Opinion)
The manufacturing process of producing Yakult includes 6 stages which are nursery stage, fermentation stage, mixing stage, bottle producing stage, packaging stage, and distribution stage. All of these stages used in producing Yakult are good enough since every stages needed to make sure of the quality of the Yakult produced are there. However, the part in Yakult’s manufacturing process that I think needs to be improved is on the packaging stage. As what have been explained by the host, there will be an employee that is responsible to watch the ending products of Yakult before they are being packaged either into small packages that consist of 5 bottles for each or into big packages which consist of 10 bottles for each. That employee will have to sort all of the Yakult that have been produced and find out if there is any Yakult that is not qualified to the standard. For example, should one bottle of Yakult consist of 65 ml but there are some bottles of Yakult that consists less than 65 ml. These bottles have to be taken out by the employee and instead of combining those bottles to fulfill each other to become 65 ml per bottle; these bottles will have to be thrown out or destroyed. Now, this is the part that I think should be improved in Yakult’s manufacturing process. As what I have seen lively in the manufacturing process, there are a lot of broken Yakult that are going to be wasted. In my opinion, these Yakult will be acted as losses to PT Yakult Indonesia Persada since those Yakult should have brought profits to it from the sales of them instead of losses and these losses can incur not because of the demand of Yakult is declining but it is because of the mindset of PT Yakult Indonesia Persada itself that “if it is not qualified to the standard then throw it away!”. The good thing about this mindset is that it means Yakult(s) that are sold by PT Yakult Indonesia Persada have qualified the standard and this will lead to customer satisfaction after buying Yakult. However, looking back at economics side, especially in marketing, accounting and finance department, a company should minimize its losses as small as possible and in reverse it should maximize its profits as much as possible. Therefore, maybe instead of throwing away those unqualified products, it is better for them to be reprocessed to become qualified products. This way, it will minimize any possible losses incur to the company.

9.2              About PT Yakult Indonesia Persada’s Marketing Department
There are approximately 3000-4000 employees who work in the marketing department; 400 people are employed in Sukabumi; and 300 people are employed in Mojokerto. These amounts are excluding the Yakult Ladies. Yakult Ladies are not included as the employees of PT Yakult Indonesia Persada since they are freelance agents that are facilitated with some materials to work with by PT Yakult Indonesia Persada. However, even though they are not its employees, they are still being controlled by the company. In this case, those Yakult Ladies are gathered in one center, for example the center is in Tomang, then the Yakult Ladies will be divided per group to be able to do their work in a specific area around Tomang so that there will be no clashes between them that suddenly that one Yakult Lady wants to enter the working area of the other Yakult Lady. That’s why they need to be controlled by PT Yakult Indonesia Persada. Up until now the total number of Yakult Ladies is 5000 people.

The structure of Yakult’s Marketing Department is divided into two sub-departments, which are:
1.      Sales Department
2.   Non-Sales Department 

The sales department consists of Yakult department and Sales department, whereas the non-sales department consists of Marketing Communication and Commercial department and Marketing Education department. As for the example of sales department function is the advertisement that is done to promote Yakult to customers; whereas the example of non-sales department is the one we were doing at that time, by welcoming any visitors from schools, colleges, and any other groups to Yakult fabric to give them more knowledge about Yakult from the history, benefits, how it works in human body, until the way to consume and keep it.

9.3              Yakult’s Promotional Mix
The promotional mix that PT Yakult Indonesia Persada is using is the advertising, sales promotion, public relation, direct marketing, and internet marketing.

9.3.1    Advertising
There are two kinds of advertising that is done by PT Yakult Indonesia Persada which are off the line and below the line. It does off the line advertisement in the form of digital advertisement with the quantity more than below the line such as the advertisement on television, radio and some magazines. Its division has always done a new advertisement on television per period and recently it has done the advertisement for May-June period. The advertisement it has done for July-August period might not be very booming since it was a Ramadhan month where most people were fasting. Other food and drinks products might do many advertisements during this period but for Yakult company, it says that it does not feel right (it feels uncomfortable) to ask people to drink during fasting period. Below the line advertisement is done by giving more education to society about Yakult. That’s why we have what we call with “Film SOI” to explain about the benefits of Probiotic in Yakult from children to adults.

Picture 1. Part of Yakult Indonesia TV Commercial Advertisement

Picture 2: Part of Yakult Indonesia TV Commercial Advertisement

Picture 3. Part of Yakult Indonesia TV Commercial Advertisement

Advertisement: Yakult Indonesia TV Commercial 2014

Yakult in UK

9.3.2    Sales Promotion
Sales Promotion that is done by PT Yakult Indonesia Persada may not occur for so many times but there was a time when it gave promotion “Buy 5 Get 1 Free” which can easily be found in some well-known supermarkets. That is an example of sales promotion effort.

9.3.3    Public Relation
Public relation here is done by the Yakult Ladies. Yakult Ladies are distributing Yakult to people who live around them, either to the end customers or maybe to small traditional stores. While they are selling the product, they also give the customers health information. Therefore, the action of Yakult Ladies can also be called as an act of public relation or in Indonesia we can call it as “Pusat Informasi Berjalan”.

Yakult Lady

Yakult Lady: "Good Morning, Do you want to buy Yakult, Ma'am?"

9.3.4    Direct Marketing
Instead of just distributing its products to some supermarkets (in other word retailers) and groceries, such as traditional and modern stores, direct marketing is also done by PT Yakult Indonesia Persada by joining events, such as Jakarta Fair, Bazaars in Senayan, Monas, etc. By joining these events, Yakult company can open a booth there and directly sell its products to the end customers.

Yakult on Jakarta Fair

9.3.5    Internet Marketing
Internet marketing is done only by the website www.yakult.co.id

Yakult's Website

9.4              Yakult in Social Media
Furthermore about internet marketing, recently social media is very booming, from Facebook, Twitter, Path, and many others. These social media are not only popular among people at certain age but they are also popular among people at any age from kids, teenagers, young adults, adults, and even elderly. However, PT Yakult Indonesia Persada is not keen in using social media to promote the product. To explain the reason, let’s take the example of a very common social media which is Facebook. In Facebook, people are free to show up their opinion regardless of the impacts that could appear from those opinions. Imagine if PT Yakult Indonesia Persada is using Facebook to promote Yakult but then someone who personally does not like Yakult leaves a comment there saying that he got poisoned after drinking Yakult and when Yakult company tries to ask when did it happen, that person did not reply. What will other people think after seeing his comment? There is a possibility that people will get influence by that comment in which the truth has not yet been known. It is possible that the person is just doing HOAX, but then just because of this irresponsible act, PT Yakult Indonesia Persada has to be responsible for the impact. This is why, PT Yakult Indonesia Persada is not keen in using social media to promote its product. It wants to prevent this kind of acts to happen. Besides, it can bring a bad image towards Yakult in the eye of customers. Customers become afraid to consume Yakult especially as it contains of bacteria. People might think that that person is poisoned because of the bacteria whereas actually those bacteria are good for human body. Therefore, instead of using social media, PT Yakult Indonesia Persada is using Customer Call Free Service 0 800 1 925858 that is available from Monday to Friday at 9am to 5pm because it is easier to keep in touch by using this service. In my opinion, the decision of PT Yakult Indonesia Persada not to use any kind of social medias in promoting its product is relevant enough as we know that nowadays social medias are often being misused by many people, especially when it deals with mocking (make fun of) something or even someone. Well, that's a really bad thing, isn't it? Therefore, from now on, please use social media wisely, okay readers?

9.5              Afraid of Living Bacteria? Don’t be!
Not everyone is comfortable with drinking living bacteria whereas Yakult contains of living bacteria, how to handle this problem? The only way to handle this problem is by giving education about the benefits that people can get by consuming Yakult from children to adults. This can be done to schools (playgroups, elementary schools, junior high schools, senior high schools), social organization, recitation area, posyandu, PKK, etc. So far, there is no problem for PT Yakult Indonesia Persada in educating people about this problem. However this relates to the reason why there is only one type of Yakult in Indonesia whereas in Singapore there are 3 different variants. So Yakult contains of Probiotic which is bacteria. Indonesian people view bacteria as things that are dirty or in Indonesia we call it “kuman”. Thus, it is hard to introduce this Probiotic terms to Indonesian people since they have already got negative way of thinking about Probiotic whereas actually there are two types of bacteria; good bacteria and bad bacteria and Probiotic is good bacteria. Therefore, there is only one type of Yakult that is sold in Indonesia. Imagine if PT Yakult Indonesia Persada adds more variants to Yakult that is sold in Indonesia. Then, at least there will be 4 other chemicals including color and essence chemicals that should be added to Yakult and this will make Indonesian people become more afraid to consume Yakult whereas actually the purpose of Yakult is to make people healthier than ever.

10.  Last but not Least

As the finishing, the representative of INTI College Indonesia then gave PT Yakult Indonesia Persada a gift as an appreciation for letting us visit the factory. Then PT Yakult Indonesia Persada also gave us a souvenir in returns. Not to forget, we also took pictures together in the lobby where we came in before as memento or memorials.

Souvenir from PT Yakult Indonesia Persada - Front Cover

Souvenir from PT Yakult Indonesia Persada - Back Cover

11.  Conclusion

As the conclusion, to me, Yakult drink is a very tasty drink with a mix of sweet and sour sensation that makes me feel fresh after drinking it. I don’t really bother with those opinions overthinking about drinking living bacteria or Probiotic. The reasons are that first, it was found by a microbiology expertise from Japan. I personally trust the hygiene of Japanese products since Japan is known at its high technologies and this is also according to my personal experience of going to Japan that the country is very clean and well-ordered, and what I respect the most is their belief, that once they have done a fatal mistake, they will do suicide (hara-kiri). Due to these considerations, I am not afraid of consuming Japanese products because if there is anything wrong in Yakult, Japanese people might have complained to the central factory there in Japan and the owner will take full responsibility of the failure that he has made. But in fact, none of that problem has ever happened, right? J Moreover, as it is said that people can get benefits by consuming Yakult especially in our digestion progress, then it is really good since in our digestion progress, we are throwing away all poisons that are exist inside our body which might occur from the food that we eat. Imagine if we are not digesting for days, how many poisons are stuck in our body. That is not good. So if healthy and tasty can be combined into one drink, then why bother with anything else? 

Happy Drinking J

Happy Tummy J

Happy Life J

Live Healthy, Drink Yakult! Enjoy J